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Serving those who served...

Veterans have been on my mind this week. Most likely because we have some funding opportunities to help repair homes for vets in need, but since veterans are in my thoughts, I decided to share with you all.

I feel that most of us appreciate the men and women who have served in our armed forces, but perhaps we relegate those feelings of appreciation to patriotic holidays, and an occasional “thank you for your service” as we pass by someone in uniform. I think we sometimes forget that many service members come home with little direction and skills that are not necessarily aligned with available jobs. Circumstances like these can lead to deeper issues, including strapped finances and inadequate housing. And unfortunately, many of these brave soldiers are too proud to ask for help.

Men and women like Phil, Rick, Roland, Stephen, Richard, Joann, and Heather. These people all served this country at various times, from Korea and Vietnam to Afghanistan. They bravely traveled the world to help keep people safe, yet they are embarrassed to ask when they need help keeping their own home safe. I am honored that Rebuilding Together Valley of the Sun has wonderful partners like Lowe’s and USAA who allow us to offer free critical home repairs to our veterans.

Over the past few years, these corporate partners have helped us repair roofs, fix floors, install HVAC systems, replace plumbing, and too many other fixes to mention. And this year, these amazing groups have stepped up once again -- providing funding to repair homes for three service members who need a helping hand.

If you know any veterans who could use some help, please have them contact us. We are here to help and are honored to serve those who served.

And of course, I can’t end this without inviting you to help us serve more veterans in need by making a gift today. You would be amazed how far a $25 gift can go.

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